Futures Discussions
What are Futures Discussions?
We use an independent careers advisor, Liz Duckworth, to make sure young people most in need of specialist help can access the guidance and support they require moving into education, employment, and training.
This one-to-one service is given to all year 11 students in Stanground Academy, as well as additional follow-up, one-to-one interviews for those targeted students, and those with referrals to this service, which will come via the Careers Leader, Heads of House and SENDCo.
When and where do the discussions take place?
Students can request to see a careers advisor by dropping into the Futures Zone in A4.
Our discussions take place in the Futures Zone every Thursday. Students will be informed of their appointment by their tutor at the beginning of that week.
What about Sixth Form?
This service is also available to year 12 and 13, alongside valuable advice and guidance from Niki Reilly at NEACO, our careers lead and sixth form manager.