At the Stanground Academy we believe it is vitally important for students to attend school regularly and punctually. This will give them the best opportunity to progress and achieve their full potential. Good attendance and punctuality will also encourage students to become responsible and resilient individuals, which will serve them well in their future working lives.
At the Stanground Academy we;
- Expect every student to attend school for at least 96% of the time
- Expect students to arrive on time every day
- Will support parents in their legal responsibility to ensure their child attends school regularly and punctually
- Believe family holidays should not be taken during term time. We will not authorise requests for holidays during term time, unless in exceptional circumstances.
Parents should contact us by telephone on the first day and each subsequent day of their child’s absence. The Academy should be informed of any planned absence in advance, this includes unavoidable medical appointments during the school day.
Addressing poor attendance
At the Stanground Academy we work diligently to help students attend well. We will communicate regularly with parents and always provide support to overcome barriers to good attendance.
We will also involve our Attendance Officer to work with families when attendance falls to unacceptable levels.
Addressing poor punctuality
Every sixth former is expected to be in school for 8.35am every day. Tutor time is more important than ever, not just for information sharing but so tutor teachers can assist with personal statements and applications for further career paths.
All students should be in school all day either in lesson or independently studying. This is a change to previous years, however national statistics continue to show a direct correlation between high attendance, engagement with independent studying when not in the classroom and high grades.