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Embracing Diversity: STA on the Path to the Bronze Equalities Award!

We're thrilled to announce that Stanground Academy is actively pursuing the prestigious Bronze Equalities Award, a recognition of our steadfast commitment to equality, diversity, and inclusion. This award, designed by a team of equality and education experts, empowers schools like ours to fulfil essential statutory duties, including:

  • Eliminating Discrimination: Advancing equality of opportunity and fostering good relations, as outlined in the Equality Act 2010.
  • Promoting Community Cohesion: In alignment with the Education and Inspections Act 2006.
  • Counteracting Terrorism: Addressing obligations set forth in the Counterterrorism and Security Act 2015.
  • Safeguarding and Development: Upholding responsibilities regarding children's welfare and promoting spiritual, moral, social, and cultural development, as mandated by the Education Act 2002.
Why the Bronze Equalities Award?

This national recognition offers a structured approach to fostering inclusivity and diversity. The Bronze, Silver, and Gold Awards provide a progressive framework, enabling schools to work at an achievable level and build upon their commitment to equality over time.

Your Support Matters

We extend our gratitude to every member of our community for contributing to this transformative journey. Your support is pivotal as we work towards achieving the Bronze Equalities Award and keep fulfilling our statutory duties.


Together, let's create a workplace where everyone feels valued and accepted. Stay tuned for updates, participate in our inclusive initiatives, and be a part of our commitment to a diverse and welcoming community. Thank you for being an essential part of Stanground Academy's pursuit of excellence in equality, diversity, and inclusion.


Together, we can create a workplace where everyone can thrive, regardless of their background or identity.